Friday, September 30, 2011

Prayer Requests 9.28

Rachel: friend doing drugs

Harmony: school

Kayla & Lucy: grandmother in hospital with heart problems ~ grandfather grieving and having a hard time

Daisey: road trip to sister's

Devan: school, basketball starting soon

Carey: Mrs. Sullivan's surgery is October 4

Tammy:  van driver

Denise: Dad's work

Keri: Praise - song finished, pray that God would be glorified by it

Tabi: Grandpa health problems

Youth doing Experiencing God Bible Study

PRAYER OUTREACH PRAISE:  Beautiful evening, many updates received on previous requests

Friday, September 23, 2011

Teamwork and renewing our minds

Romans 12: 1-2 ... as expanded by the FBC Youth Group ....

I beseech {urge} you therefore, brethren, 
by the mercies {compassion} of God,  that you present {give} your bodies a living {vibrant} 
sacrifice, holy {set apart}, acceptable {very pleasing} to God, which is your reasonable service {work that fits His high calling}.

And do not be conformed {look like, act like, 
feel like and think like} to this world, but be transformed {changed completely} by the
renewing {renovation} of your mind, that you 
may prove {show} what is that good and 
acceptable and perfect will {desire} of God.  

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Prayer Requests 9.21

Rachel: Crysti - doing drugs

Harmony: school

Damion: help to forgive

Devan: Daisey not feeling well

Denise: Dad's work

Carey: PRAISE - Mrs. Sullivan ended chemo ~ pray her surgery goes well

Tammy:  Sue - lost her mother 2 nights ago; Ivy broke her wrist

Tabi: Grandpa has cancer

Keri: wisdom for song I'm writing

Kayla:  Grandmother's heart failing (2 wks to live); Dad in Kentucky

Ali:  school, stress from school & sports schedule; pulled quad; coaches & teachers

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Well ... happy YOUTH new year that is!  

We had a great evening together celebrating the kickoff of a new Team Kids and Youth year!

There was ice cream ... 

snacks ...

and hot chocolate!

Ms. Norma kicked it off by telling everyone about the exciting things happening in Team Kids this year.

Then Mr. Glen talked about the upcoming Youth year.

We got some parents involved with a rope challenge.


Thanks for coming, bringing snacks, having fun with us and showing your
 support for Team Kids & the Youth!

We appreciate your prayers for the coming year!