Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow Days

So .... since we're not having Youth tonight and you all might be hanging out at home...

I thought it might be fun to see some pics of your snowy day! 

Here's what it looked like at our house right before lunch....



Email me pics from your house and

I'll post them here too!

Here's some from the Brown's house!

Here's a fun pic from the Good's ..... something seems to be missing though!!
Anybody want to guess what it is??

What a great birthday gift!!

I sure hope Banjo's future blind master or mistress lives in a cold climate because he enjoys being a sled dog too!!

Presenting the Tasker's house .... 

Thanks for your sacrifice for the good of the blog ~ it really wouldn't have taken much longer to put a coat on!

More from the Brown's house .....

Our new mascot perhaps?? 


The Bresin's house ....

The Marcus-mobile .....

WOW ~ the Good's are having an exciting day!! 

 Here are their newest arrivals ...

So, it's a bright  new snowy morning here .....

 here's some more pics from our house!



  1. My camera is dead. Haha, for real! If I get it charged, I'll take a pic. Hopefully we'll get more snow by then. xD

  2. hmm devons braces are gone an she has a vary pretty smile <3

  3. WOO HOO ~ we have a winner!! Yep ~ she got her braces off today .... what an awesome bday gift!!

  4. <3

    i think thats an awesome bday gift <3

  5. the snowman looks vary intresting but im exsusted, might i just add the note his head fell off three times..... an he is taller then me

  6. Aww...I am sooo jealous. I still have mine for another 2 years!

  7. i'm with ya Nathan, i still have mine for another 1 1/2 or so till i get mine off!! I would have taken pics, it's just that it was too dark!!

  8. congrats good family the babys are just simply adorable <3

  9. :D that's funny Crissy.....Might need to glue it on next time :D Yea for Devon!! I have never had braces but my grandmother did and I remember once when she took me out for my bday she had to go to the bathroom and brush her teeth/braces because of food stuck in them.......What did you do to the wool on the ewe? The lambs are cute! I like them best when the get out in the pasture for the first time......they start exploring then they start jumping around and's funny to watch!

  10. Congratulations, Devan!!! :D

    Also, your lambies are sooo cute. :D
