Friday, March 11, 2011


Is anyone else ready for SPRING?

We sure are .... enough cold .... enough rain
.... enough clouds!!

One more week until the

"official" First Day of Spring!!

Well, since we can't say Happy Spring yet, so Happy Daylight Savings Time instead!

Be praying for each other!  There were some prayer requests updated in the comments of the 3/2 Prayer Request post! 

Keep praying for Mr. G too ~ the doctor can't see him until Monday.

This is a chat post ....what do you feel like talking about today??


  1. I'm ready for SUMMER!!!!!! LOL I guess it's a little to early for that. I've really been enjoying the beautiful rain though. :)

  2. hope you get well soon Mr.Glen

  3. I am so ready Spring! I've had enough of this wet snowy stuff. I'm also ready for St. Patrick's day. I think I may dye my hair green this year. That'll be kinda interesting!

  4. So ~ if you need something to pass the time until Spring .... go watch the Youth Make A Movie night from last Fall ~ it was fun to watch it again!!

  5. I am really, really, really, REALLY, ready for some warmer weather:) I don't like the white, fluffy, wet, cold stuff!

  6. I am ready for spring!!! :D I love all the seasons just the same, but I am ready for winter to be over now. I guess because we did not get a lot of snow this year, not compared to last year. :D :D :D

  7. I AM READY FOR SPRING!!!!!!!!! I don't like cold , never did like cold, and never will like cold! The only thing good about winter is basketball season other than that I am not a winter fan. Spring please come!

  8. hmmmmm green hair, Nathan I think that would be awesome!!!

    oh come on Devan....I thought you were with me on the summer thing :P Summer means we get to go through with some of those crazy plans we have :D

  9. Hey, did you guys hear that the earthquake in Japan knocked the earth a few inches off its axis?!

    Interesting point: My pastor gave a message last week about the verse that tells that God takes care of the sparrows. Did you know that in bible times a sparrow cost only a tenth of a cent? There are almost as many sparrows as humans on the earth, and God takes care of every last one of them. Now think about how special we all are to God!

  10. Mr. Glen made it to the doctor today ~ he has a sinus infection and very irritated bronchial tubes ... thankfully not bronchitis!! I'm not feeling very well, as well as some of the kiddos. Keep praying for our household!!

  11. You know, that whole thing about the Earth being moved a few inches on its axis kind of weirded me out at first .... but it made me reflect back on Genesis 1:1 ~ God sat it on its axis ~ He created it out of NOTHING! WOW!

    Good point about the sparrows too ~ even in our sick household right now, God cares and is in control of ALL creation. My theory is He knew we needed to slow down ☺

  12. PS: that's one of the reasons I like the 1st song on the playlist down below!!

    okay ... back to my warm sofa by the fire with a blanket and tissue box :)
