Sunday, April 22, 2012

Be Strong and Courageous


1. I must accept what is true
- temptation is true
- consequences are true
- I am not alone (Hebrews 4:15)

2. Acknowledge God's role
- God is not the tempter (James 1: 13-15)
- God provides a way out of temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13)
- God wants us to win (James 1:12)

3. Align ourselves with God's way

 real pressure + real temptation = real consequences

Nice glasses !?!?


1. Take an interest in lost people (Philippians 2:4)
2. Be available (Proverbs 18:24)
3. Speak less ~ listen more (James 1:19)
4. Use words that build up and not tear down (Matthew 12:35 / Proverbs 18:20)
5. Tenderly & lovingly correct (Proverbs 27:5-6)

*Evaluate your friendship capacity
* Make a list of your non-Christian friends
- how many church vs. non-church
- how am I living
* Commit to praying for those friends daily

Who's Strong?

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